A step toward Reparations

How is CALTCHA a step towards REPARATIONS the investment in prosperity and restoration of wellbeing, productive capacity, and social valorization of communities devastated by our history of slavery and Jim Crow Racialization?

CALTCHA proposes to:

  • Invest and redistribute billions of dollars and end all health debt.
  • Generate a vast array of caring well-paid jobs and work to end unneeded administration, computer tyranny, numbing job lock to promote entrepreneurism and family business
  • Establish student tuition coverage for all health workers at all levels
  • Ensure and expand the training of culturally competent - racially, ethnically and linguistically diverse - students and health workers
  • Decentralize the concentrated and isolated hospital empires to relocate and establish quality clinics and personal health services at the neighborhood and home level. End “health deserts” in urban and rural areas of CA.
  • Fund the vast number of unpaid volunteers who choose or are forced to manage their dependent family members (both age and disability)
  • Correct all health disparities, from any origin, that assault minority populations shortening life, tolerating suffering, imposing impossible debt, fear and insecurity.
  • Empower budgeted service and facility planning and priority setting through statewide neighborhood assemblies in democratic partnership with the 61 local public health departments and services.
  • Provide specialized, health team services in every school system, mental health system, among all people with disabilities, farmworker and agricultural communities, incarcerated and decarcerated populations - that change the core of society and all relationships.