Team Details

Johanna Olson-Kennedy,  MD

Johanna Olson-Kennedy, MD

Johanna Olson-Kennedy, MD is an Adolescent Medicine physician specializing in the care of gender non-conforming children and transgender youth. Board certified in Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine,  Dr. Olson-Kennedy has been providing medical intervention for transgender youth and young adults including puberty suppression and gender affirming hormones for the past fifteen years, and is considered a national expert in this area. In addition to clinical care, Dr. Olson-Kennedy spearheads a rigorous research agenda that aims to understand the experience of gender dysphoria across the lifespan. Dr. Olson-Kennedy was a co-founder of the Progressive Caucus of the California Democratic Party, and has been a strong advocate of a comprehensive and single payer healthcare system for more than 20 years.